This post is response to one of our Sinhala Friends feed back on my earlier post
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My Dear Shingala Friend,
I appreciate your feedback on my post. I believe there are still possibility to have political solutions for Tamils in Sri Lanka after seeing your feedback.
I have one question to you, In India we have more than 1000 languages and 100 different distinguished culture and ethnic groups. We never thought about wiping of any cultural or ethnic group even though we had some communal violence now and then. But why you (Sinhalese) people can not live peacefully along with the Tamils in a tiny island nation ? Why you can not have one political solution in past 60 year of freedom ?
In India a we are protecting minorities by providing additional privileges like reservation in education system, employment and etc. This reservations makes sure that the minorities gets them quota and after filling them quota the can claim the remaining resources like seats in university or employment opportunity.
But in Sri Lanka you have made a rule that to pass the examination Sinhalese require just 30% of the mark while Tamils need 80% Why this discrimination. In India we have no differences or reservation in getting through the examination.
Even though Hindi is the India's national language I can write my exams in English and can get any central government jobs with out knowing single word in Hindi. What is the case in Sri Lanka ?
I have 100 of 1000 of why questions to Sinhalese before going into the War related questions. Can you answer my some of above questions, Please ?
Let me to comment your feed back now.
What you said:-
//If you really sad about this innocent girl,.. Someone must block this video. That’s what we can respect her. Rather than selling here this video over the net. Take necessary action if you really need against to this, but keeping this video here and talking never help.//
My Answer:-
Even I thought of removing the video, but It's representing the ugly truth and bringing out the true barbarianism of Sinhalese solider as well as them politician's. So I am going to leave it as it is. But I am sad that I am seeking justice by sitting on my Sisters dead body which is abused by Sinhalese racism.
What you Said:-
//All are suffering, indecent people. I am Sri Lankan, Sinhalese. I sad about who died at the battle field who ever LTTE soldier or SL army. Personally I have met many LTTE girls and boys in north and east, it getting tears when I hard there stories. They not join by them self to LTTE. It forcing by LTTE. i don’t want to write here all stories, you may seen many over net or on newspapers. //
My Answer:-
Please go and see the you tube video which is recorded during the peace period between 2002 to 2004
A female tiger fighter says why she joined the movement. It's because of Sinhalese governments policy towards Tamils, ill treatment of Tamils and indiscrimination bombing on Tamil civilians. Are you ever hear about Indian governments bombardment on it's own civilians to control violence in any part of India ?
What you Said:-
//At the war people can talk about human rights, but in reality it can brake anytime. That is the COLOR of WAR. also I would like to say my friends… stop talking “we are Tamil” We are Tamile” They ara sinhales” … it never help to make unity.
Speak We are Sri Lankan.. or if you are from India “We are Indian” //
My answers:-
In my response every where I have mentioned that I am in India by nation. Even my profile says that. And Indian government policy are common for all of her citizens. But what is the case in Sri Lanka ? The Sri Lanka government rules are based on ethnicity of the people not a single rule for all of her citizens.
Why do you have Sinhala only act ?
Why do you have Sinhala is must for any government jobs even the job is in Tamil area?
I have many questions like that.
What you Said:-
//My brother was in SL army, I have been with him to many villages. And we have had help for poorer families many ways, by food, by cloths, by gifts for there studies. Also he killed by LTTE 1992 at Wadamuna, Walikanda Sri Lanka. Even he was half naked coz, LTTE rush to take arms and other equipments which raping with the uniform. So they taken it by cutting by knife even the body. This is the war. //
My Answer:-
I agree with you that on fetching arms from dead cader. But did you saw the video what is the case of my sisters. Did you understood the dialogue of the Sinhalese people ? Can you give any explanation to that ?
What you Said:-
//Even after I newer angry with any single Tamil. Coz I know the truth how incent those poor people in north and east. Some of Tamils friends also came to my brother’s funeral and they share our sorrow. //
My Answer:-
I don't have any personal revenge on Sinhalese. I have may Sinhalese friends. I work with them, do go outing with them and play cricket with them. When it's come to the Sinhala/Sinhalese only act I am strong apposing and condemn that.
What you Said:-
///You know very well how may inecents kild,. See these, how SL Army treat at the war front,
LTTE terrorists hold civilians hostage
LTTE terrorists hold civilians hostage
Captured Terrorist-turned English teacher narrates harrowing realities
Army rescues LTTE child soldier//
My Answer:-
I have answer for all the claim done by you by referring the and answer from many source. As is the most Sinhalese racist web site and propaganda machine I ever seen.
Just see the criticism about Zero Civilan Causality policy of Sri Lanka Army (SLA)
Can you provide answer to me ?
I hope you will come back and we can have further discussion on this. I am starting a separate post for this conversation.
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===== A Sinhala Friends Feedback Begins here====
Dear friends,
I feel most of them talking emotionally,. Yes its correct. But all of us should understand the truth of war behind these tears.
//If you really sad about this innocent girl,.. Someone must block this video. That’s what we can respect her. Rather than selling here this video over the net. Take necessary action if you really need against to this, but keeping this video here and talking never help.//
You may seen sometime over net boyfriend girl friend privet vedio clips are published. This kind of things every where. Not only at the war. Have you been in war front? May be, in the war front you are not a normal person. Coz you living in a place dead and live. Your mind, body how it move you can’t imaging. Just imaging front of you house if there is a fight what you feel even you not involve. Your body is burning. That is nature,. In this kind of place anything can be happen. That’s why we must against war.
All are suffering, indecent people. I am Sri Lankan, shinhales. I sad about who died at the battle field who ever LTTE soldier or SL army. Personally I have met many LTTE girls and boys in north and east, it getting tears when I hard there stories. They not join by them self to LTTE. It forcing by LTTE. i don’t want to write here all stories, you may seen many over net or on newspapers.
I have been to north and east I have seen the through my self. Last 30 years they don’t have education, and little children cant stay with their parents, taking by LTTE. and getting kill by LTTE as wel as at the war front by SL army. For all these “bold thirsty Brabhakaran must responsible.
At the war people can talk about human rights, but in reality it can brake anytime. That is the COLOR of WAR. also I would like to say my friends… stop talking “we are Tamil” We are Tamile” They ara sinhales” … it never help to make unity.
Speak We are Sri Lankan.. or if you are from India “We are Indian”
Also,.. if there is something happen in you life,. Don’t think it is the same from all.
My brother was in SL army, I have been with him to many villages. And we have had help for poorer families many ways, by food, by cloths, by gifts for there studies. Also he killed by LTTE 1992 at Wadamuna, Walikanda Sri Lanka. Even he was half naked coz, LTTE rush to take arms and other equipments which raping with the uniform. So they taken it by cutting by knife even the body. This is the war. Even after I newer angry with any single Tamil. Coz I know the truth how incent those poor people in north and east. Some of Tamils friends also came to my brother’s funeral and they share our sorrow.
So finally what I can say, there are good and bad people in the world. But it never represent by you race.
We can’t make any judgment at the war incidents; it can be happens to any innocent person in any kind of sad way. What it need is we must stop the war. But prabhakaran doesn’t. Coz he is a terrorist. Who ever against to him he will kill.
You know very well how may inecents kild,.
See these, how SL Army treat at the war front,
LTTE terrorists hold civilians hostage
Troops Change Attitude towards Their 'Enemy' for a Moment; Captured LTTE "Policeman" Tells it All
Captured Terrorist-turned English teacher narrates harrowing realities
Army rescues LTTE child soldier
View Video:
I read the feedback from the 'sinhala friend'.
I am sorry to be blunt.I am afraid that they still don't get it.
They still see it as LTTE problem and just talk about LTTE recruiting people forcefully and saying the same old propaganda stories and shedding some crocodile tears.
The problem started long before LTTE came into existence.
LTTE is a symptom of the cancer which is the sinhala mindset of not wanting to share the island with the tamils fair and square.That is the root cause.
If the sinhala leaders had the long term vision and agreed to have federal state for tamils when the moderate tamil leader Chelvanayakam and tamil people requested it by democratic mandate all those years ago,the bloodbath during the last 25 years would have been prevented.
He says we sholud all think we are srilankans.
In whose term,may I ask?
If we are treated as equal citizens with dignity and respect and have been given a sense of belonging from the day of independence from british ,then we would feel that way.
but sinhala majority and the sinhala leaders thought themselves as sinhalese rather than srilankans in a multi cultural sense.
That is why ,now, when we hear the word srilankans we think it means sinhalese,because that is the way you sinhalese have been thinking all along . By your political acts over the last 60 years it has become a reality. sinhalese want to have all the benefits of being a srilankan for themselves and make all the parliamentary rules and acts only for the benefit of the sinhalese ,ignoring other ethnic groups and then talk about being a srilankan when it suits can't have the cake and eat it.
If people are given their rights and treated in a just way ,they will automatically have a sense belonging and consider themselves as citizens of the particular country.if you oppress and suppress them,they will feel alienated and will fight the oppression,that is the human nature.
Whether thinking as srilankans or indians or any other country's citizens can't forced ,it will come naturally when the people from various cultures in those countries feel they are part of that country,not the second class citizens or slaves of the majority community.
nalla pathivu. nalla pathilkal
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